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Case training

June 6th, 2025 We are excited to host an exclusive case training session at our Amsterdam office. This session is specifically designed for recent graduates & graduate master students, who are currently applying, or planning to apply for a job in strategy consulting in the next 6 months.

Why attend this session

For strategy consulting interviews, practicing case studies is essential, because candidates are expected to understand and apply a basic approach to solving business problems. This shared understanding helps ensure that everyone has the same foundation, making it easier to evaluate candidates fairly based on their unique thinking process and problem-solving skills. This training session will therefore provide you with valuable insights into the do's and don'ts of approaching a case, and an opportunity to practice with guidance of consultants. Additionally, the session will also give you a taste of the work environment at SparkOptimus.


▪ 13:55 - 14:00: Walk-in

▪ 14:00: Welcome to SparkOptimus

▪ 14:30: Case training

▪ 15:00: Practicing cases

▪ 16:30: Discuss cases

▪ 17:00 onwards: Wrap-up & drinks


▪ Date: Friday, June 6th, 2025 ▪ Time: 14:00h ▪ Location: Jacob Obrechtplein 1, Amsterdam